Indigenously Index

[September 23, 2020]

Estimated remaining $8B CARES Act funding to be distributed to tribal governments: $320M

Estimated total paid so far to Navajo, Cherokee, and Chickasaw tribes, combined: $1.3B

Percentage of Montanans who favor a ballot-collection law recently upheld in court: 64%

Exact amount DAPL exec, Kelcey Warren, donated to a pro-Trump super PAC: $10M 

Total water bodies the Keystone XL pipeline may cross, pending public comment: 729

Number of secret “Pebble Tapes” that exposed political details of Pebble Mine execs: 8  

Total naturally spawned salmon returned to Pettit Lake by Shoshone-Bannock Tribes: 26

Total lobster traps central to dayslong discord over Mi’kmaq treaty fishing rights: 350

Number of years a fake treaty has impeded fishing rights for Warm Springs tribes: 155

Total Navajo Nation police officers behind hemp sting “Operation Greener Pastures”: 21

Estimated number of people (many Chinese immigrants) working the hemp farms: 1,000

Estimated total of jobs to be created by Bay Mills Indian Community cannabis company: 17

Number of majority opinions RBG wrote involving federal Indian law cases: 10

Total number of those opinions favoring tribes: 3.5

Total years before the Metropolitan Museum of Art hired a Native curator - ever: 150