
[August 28, 2020]

Total legacy newsrooms that reported on the fatal police shooting of Brandon Laducer: 2

Number of police agencies involved in the shooting on Turtle Mountain’s reservation: 4

Amount the tribe received to advance a “hybrid police force” in 2019: $1,036,551 

Rate per 1M that Native Americans are killed by police, more than any other American: 2.9

Total executions carried out in 2020 after a Navajo inmate’s contested Aug. 26 death: 4

Estimated hours Navajo VP praised Trump, pre-execution - (a tribal sovereignty fail): 22

Total number of wildfires burning across 22 counties in California: 15

Number of federally-recognized tribal nations in “active incident” counties: 32

Total number of states where today’s federally-recognized tribes are situated: 35

Percentage of state curricula that fails to teach Native history past the year 1900: 87%

Exact timecode the late Billy Frank (Nisqually) appears in Joe Biden’s latest ad: 1:24

Estimated years an OK congressional candidate masqueraded publicly as a Cherokee: 30

Total years since Elizabeth Warren registered as “American Indian”on the Texas Bar: 34

Exact years a popular CA ski resort used a derogatory brand name before retiring it: 71

Number of months a Tlingit artist has been beading a face mask of Dr. Anthony Fauci: 5