Indigenously Index
[December 19, 2020]
Total doses of Pfizer, Moderna vaccines being allocated by Indian Health Service: 68,425
Number of people following the Facebook group, Social Distance Powwow: 222.3K
Number of people following the group on March 16, soon after it launched: 77K
Total days Dept. of Interior Secretary David Bernhardt was hospitalized for Covid-19: 3
Number of days before the Dept. of Interior holds ANWR lease sales as of 12/19/20: 18
Total people on Biden’s Climate Team, including DOI Secty. Nominee, Deb Haaland: 6
Total amount behind the Biden-Harris climate plan: $2T
Total years since the Red Paper inspired today’s expanding #LandBack movement: 50
Number of arrestees from a July 4, 2020 #LandBack protest near Mount Rushmore: 21
Total raised by protest organizer NDN Collective for “legal costs”(7/10/20): $2.4M
Percentage of Hopi voter turnout increase in 2020 from 37% in 2016: 23%
Total years the NFL team from Washington relied on a racial slur for its mascotry: 78
Total years Natives requested a name change before its retirement, July 13, 2020: 48
Exact number of professional sports teams that still rely on racist mascotry: 3
Number of views reached on NativeTikTok in 2020: 1.1B