Indigenously Index

[November, 07 2020]

Total times Arizona voters have elected a Democrat for president since 1952: 1

Total number of counties in Arizona: 15

Number of counties in Arizona that could flip from red to blue: 3

Total number of federally-recognized tribes in Arizona: 22

Total number of Arizona tribes that do not have any registered voters: 1

Total number of tribal nations within Navajo County, AZ: 3

Percentage of voter turnout in Navajo County: 73.7%

Estimated votes reported: 90%

Approximate Native voting-age population in Navajo County: 33,145

Record-breaking number of Native Americans elected to Congress: 6

Percentage of votes cast for Donald Trump in Robeson, Co, North Carolina: 58.6%

Exact number of Native American registered voters in Robeson Co.: 26,792

Number of openly gay Native mayors elected in San Diego: 1

Number of states to pass marijuana legalization measures: 5

Percentage of votes approving Oglala Nation’s Marijuana legalization law: 74%