Indigenously Index

[October 30, 2020]

Number of Native candidates running for public office, according to our count: 134

Number of Native Americans running for President of the United States: 1

Exact count of Native American candidates for US House and Senate: 15

Total number of Native women candidates, overall: 74

Number of Native males, overall: 60

Total number of Native American Republican candidates: 21

Number of years the Aloha ʻĀina Party has been in effect: 5

Total number of Aloha ʻĀina Party candidates on the Nov. 3 ballot: 1

Number of Native American women elected to Iowa legislature: 0

Exact age of the youngest Native American candidate running for office: 19 

Number of waitressing jobs candidate Jackie Fielder worked while unhoused: 2

Exact bail candidate Judge Jeannice Reding (Mohican) set for Derek Chauvin: $1.25M

Total Census Population Surveys for Native American voter/registration estimates: 0

Number of Alaska Native candidates running for office: 7

Total number of Alaska Native candidates who have Twitter accounts: 0